Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It’s a wrap. Another successful show for ITW Plexus and Vaber Industriale Spa

By now you should be familiar with the show, if you’ve been reading my posts. Seatec, the largest marine show in Italy certainly provided suppliers with the platform to display and demonstrate their product offering. Everything you need, from boat designing software, manufacturing materials to furnishings were on show.

Over the course of the three days, our stand saw a large number of people taking a look, conversing with the team about applications, looking at products and moving on. However, it did mean we were able to address the needs of existing customers and seek the solutions to the manufacturing challenges presented by prospects.

The show ended on a high. I was invited to the Champagne reception at the British Marine Federation (BMF) stand. Accompanied by Simonette Pegorari (Italian representative of the BMF), the evening was enjoyed by all whilst discussing the challenges facing the Marine Industry and the success of the show, as well as drinking (not a lot) of champagne.


On that note, ciao from Massa Cararra. See you next year.

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Posted by Paul Wright., Territory Manager, Italy
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day Two: Seatec ‘10

The Seatec show is now in the full swing of things.

During the show I met with many visitors who enquired about our products, the benefits of using structural adhesives and the ways of improving production processes. The new MA685 transparent adhesive was of particular interest due to its transparent bondline and working and fixture times.

I also had my 5 minutes of fame earlier. I was interviewed on camera about my thoughts on the exhibition, the economy and it’s affect on the Marine Industry. Interestingly, throughout the day my conversations with visitors confirmed my view. Although 2009 was tough for the Marine Industry, 2010 appears to have begun with a positive start. Many visitors discussed at length a number of new and interesting projects they have on the horizon.

As this is my 3rd Seatec show, I can definitely say I haven’t seen it as busy before. This if you’re wondering, is not as great for my coffee machine as visitors are coming back for seconds. I think I should start charging.

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Posted by Paul Wright., Territory Manager, Italy
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seatec ‘10 with ITW Plexus & Vaber Industriale Spa

I arrive at the Seatec show in Italy, in preparation for a hectic few days, almost 1 day into the show and it certainly doesn’t disappoint. Passing through reception was a task, for some reason ‘pre-registering’ is a concept not quite caught on by all.

Spread over 6 halls the Seatec show is impressive, bringing together the best in design, technology and equipment under one roof. We’re here with Vaber Industriale Spa (our Italian distributor) and located in the composite hall. Having had a good look around, it appears all the major suppliers into the marine industry are present. With every one in tow, the audience will certainly be looking for new ideas and new ways of improving production.


The coffee machine appears to be a great hit… perhaps we should have set-up a catering stall. We have been inundated with vistors wanting coffee. Of course, I put this down to people taking a genuine interest in our products and hospitality (not just the coffee).

It maybe small but delivers a great taste

As part of the event we have presented the Sta-put range of canister adhesives. The range has certainly sparked an interest amongst the many visitors.

We hope you’ll come to the Vaber stand where Alberto and I will be waiting to answer your questions.

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Posted by Paul Wright., Territory Manager, Italy
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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Winters affect on Structural Adhesives

It’s been confirmed as one of the longest cold periods we have known. For anyone who is wondering whether the fall in temperature will affect Plexus structural adhesives, don’t worry.  If the adhesive has been stored below 0oC simply allow the product to warm up (23oC) and it will fully recover. Storage for long periods at 0oC is not recommended. Our Technical Department will be happy to offer further advice, as recovery time depends on size and quantity. 

If forecasts are anything to go by then the ‘cold snap’ is here to stay with us for a while longer. Admittedly some parts of Europe are better equipped in dealing with sub-zero temperatures than us Brits. At least we haven’t been affected by a delay in shipments and products are reaching their destination.
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Posted by Gurpreet Pawar, Marketing Executive, Rushden, UK
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