Tuesday, July 20, 2010

E-RA enter the finals of the Progressive Insurance Automotive XPRIZE

Having successfully passed all the tests (Acceleration/Braking, Lateral Acceleration Tests and the Avoidance Test), the E-RA has entered the final stage of the Progressive Insurance Automotive XPRIZE.

E-RA passed the technical inspection early on Monday morning as the first team. Next round of tests starting on Wednesday include efficiency runs such as urban and citycycle.


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Posted by Gurpreet Pawar, Marketing Executive, Rushden, UK
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Friday, July 09, 2010

Adhesive Selection

Adhesives are now an important part of component design, they have come a long way since the early days and are now more than a match for most joining methods. They can actually improve component strength and durability, and save time and money in the process.


A good adhesive joint can be stronger than the material it is bonding, spread the load over the whole area, increase the durability of the whole assembly, and even reduce the cost per part.

Selecting an adhesive for a bonding application is best done during the design procedure when parameters can be outlined and determined. This makes the adhesive selection process easier. The user must first determine the process constraints and the conditions to which the final bonded assembly will be exposed. Then the substrate and adhesive selection can be made. Involving the adhesive manufacturer at this early stage can omit any later problems associated with wrong selection which can result in delayed production and field failures.

In addition, the main factors which need to be defined for the application before choosing the adhesive are:

  • What are the substrates?
  • What is the function of the bonded assembly?
  • What stresses will the adhesive see (shear, peel etc.)?
  • To what environmental/durability conditions will the final bonded assembly be exposed?
  • What is the required bond line thickness?
  • To what temperatures will the adhesive be subjected?
  • What are the plant environments where the adhesive will be used?
  • What are the working / fixture times required?
  • How will you apply the chosen adhesive?

Once these factors have been determined, testing can be carried out at our European Testing Centre to ensure the correct adhesive is chosen for the application in question.

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Posted by Gurpreet Pawar, Marketing Executive, Rushden, UK
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