Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Using PC-120 cleaner / Conditioner

PC-120 is generally used when there is a need for increased durability in the bonding application.

One of the little known qualities of PC-120 is that it not only improves the durability of key Plexus products but can also improve the durability performance of the special metal bonders MA830 and MA832.

PC-120 works by cleaning the surface of contamination using Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) as a solvent to lift machining oils and other contaminants from the surface of the metal then leaving a thin phosphate based coating to retard surface corrosion.
To tell which areas have been primed, PC-120 leaves a pink colour on the surface.  PC-120 can be brushed, wiped or sprayed onto the surface and can be wiped clean with a dry rag to leave a thin quick drying film.

Application tips!
1. Do not use too much PC-120 – Only a very thin coat is needed you should only see a very faint pink colour on the metal.
2. Do not use dirty or oily rags to apply PC-120 – Dirty rags will put contaminants onto the surface rather than removing them.
3. Remove any corrosion – Abrade any surface corrosion before applying the PC-120
4. Check the shelf life – Product which has exceeded its expiry date will not perform in specification.
5. Close the bottle – Open bottles allow the solvent to evaporate.

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